┌─[michael@parrot]─[/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist] └──╼ $wfuzz -z file,/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist/others/common_pass.txt -d "uname=FUZZ&pass=FUZZ" --hc 302 http://testphp.vulnweb.com/userinfo.php ******************************************************** * Wfuzz 2.2.9 - The Web Fuzzer * ********************************************************
Target: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/userinfo.php Total requests: 52
================================================================== ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload ==================================================================
┌─[michael@parrot]─[/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist] └──╼ $wfuzz -z list,GET-HEAD-POST-TRACE-OPTIONS -X FUZZ http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ ******************************************************** * Wfuzz 2.2.9 - The Web Fuzzer * ********************************************************
Target: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/ Total requests: 5
================================================================== ID Response Lines Word Chars Request ==================================================================
00002: C=200 0 L 0 W 0 Ch "HEAD" 00004: C=405 7 L 12 W 172 Ch "TRACE" 00005: C=405 7 L 12 W 172 Ch "OPTIONS" 00001: C=200 104 L 296 W 4096 Ch "GET" 00003: C=200 104 L 296 W 4096 Ch "POST"
┌─[michael@parrot]─[/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist] └──╼ $wfuzz -z list,nonvalid-httpwatch --basic FUZZ:FUZZ https://www.httpwatch.com/httpgallery/authentication/authenticatedimage/default.aspx ******************************************************** * Wfuzz 2.2.9 - The Web Fuzzer * ********************************************************
Target: https://www.httpwatch.com/httpgallery/authentication/authenticatedimage/default.aspx Total requests: 2
================================================================== ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload ==================================================================
000001: C=401 0 L 11 W 58 Ch "nonvalid" 000002: C=200 20 L 91 W 5294 Ch "httpwatch"
┌─[michael@parrot]─[/usr/share/wfuzz/wordlist] └──╼ $wfuzz -z list,"admin-CVS-cgi\-bin" -R 1 http://testphp.vulnweb.com/FUZZ ******************************************************** * Wfuzz 2.2.9 - The Web Fuzzer * ********************************************************
Target: http://testphp.vulnweb.com/FUZZ Total requests: 3
================================================================== ID Response Lines Word Chars Payload ==================================================================
000002: C=301 7 L 12 W 184 Ch "CVS" |_ Enqueued response for recursion (level=1) 000001: C=301 7 L 12 W 184 Ch "admin" |_ Enqueued response for recursion (level=1) 000003: C=403 10 L 29 W 263 Ch "cgi-bin" 000005: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "CVS - CVS" 000006: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "CVS - cgi-bin" 000004: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "CVS - admin" 000007: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "admin - admin" 000008: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "admin - CVS" 000009: C=404 7 L 12 W 168 Ch "admin - cgi-bin"